Lion class had the task of investigating the need for a third crossing over Lake Lothing.

The children investigated where a crossing would go and spent time exploring a map of the area and looking carefully at communication and how this could be improved.

After researching famous bridges to get some inspiration, the children worked in teams to design and plan the building of a new bridge, making sure that a quality product would be made. They created a prototype out of newspaper to test ideas. The children used saws, glue guns, doweling, string and a range of other resources to build a 3D working bridge.

Once completed and decorated the finished bridges were put into our whole school exhibition where the school community could view our completed project.

We wonder which bridge you would choose for a third crossing?

We really had a curriculum workout using such a variety of skills in DT, art, geography, maths and English. Have a look at our photos which show some of the process.


Maths Week

Lion Class performed brilliantly in the maths week challenge. We made bespoke gift cards and tags to sell in the whole school playground sale.

The children worked really hard and produced such high quality products which flew off the shelves in the sale. It was very exciting and made Lions proud to have achieved so much.

We came second in the competition making £82.00 profit, which we can keep and spend on treats for the class.

I wonder what we will do…we must get our thinking caps on!

Spring Term!

We have had a very exciting Spring Term and the children have been working really hard. Summer Term is looking good too.

The class have enjoyed using the mymaths website for their homework and are using it well, with many playing games and using the learning opportunities there.

We had fun with our coding creating some fantastic patterns.

Our Mayan Masks project has produced some amazing work – photos to be uploaded soon.

Since taking over the class I have been really impressed by how hard the children work and their enthusiasm. It has been a true privilege to work with such a great class and we are looking forward to more success soon.

Surprising Science

This week the Lions class were lucky enough to attend a Science event at East Point Academy. We had the chance to view a range of exhibits from the Cambridge Science Centre and try some hands on Science!

Maisy said, “I think it was very useful for any children who want to become scientists and I would recommend it to anybody!”

Theo said, “My favourite activity was making aeroplanes and helicopters for the wind tunnel!”


Forces and momentum


The wind tunnel. . .


Magnetic Earth

Parachute investigation.

We tested three different sized parachutes 1 was 7.5cm square, 1 was 15cm square and the last was 30cm square and we dropped them from a height and timed them to see how long they took to fall .

The largest one was slowest and it was really fun finding out about air resistance .


Queen’s Week by Hannah Foster

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First of all we got some cardboard boxes of soldiers, we stuck the boxes together using masking tape. Next we had to paper mache using newspaper, one we had done it with newspaper we then had to paper mache using rectangular pieces of white paper. Then we had to colour in the soldiers with paint. After the paint has dried with a glue gun the teachers stuck black fur on the soldiers hat then we had completed our soldiers.



We also researched about the commonwealth countries and the population weather. First we had to pick a commonwealth country and we had to come up with seven facts about the country we chose. One person from the our group would print out our flag of the country we chose. We also had to look on the computer for facts. After we have done that two people from our group cut the facts out and stuck them on the sheet.

I enjoyed doing this because we got to have fun on celebrating the queen 90th birthday and we got to make our own soldiers and we also learnt a lot more about things we didn’t know about.

By Amelia and Josh

On Thursday 21st of April after break we went to the jigsaw room and met a man called Steve,who is an engineer he taught us how to use objects and turn them into animals,we made the animals out of a sort of card,sticks,wire,batteries and a motor, after that we decorated them.

Last Tuesday we received a package from the International space station of rocket seeds which we planted in individual pots then mixed them up for a fair test . We check on them every day to see how much they have grown or not also to record any changes.

Rocket-Science rocket day 3

Paralympics festival

SAM_6099By Zaccary and Amba

Yesterday year 5 went to Water Lane sports centre also the 6 form college for our festival held by Pakefield High School which was part of their GCSEs. We played many games against other schools some of the sports were: archery; wheelchair basketball; boccia and blind football.



by Chloe and Hannah R

Yesterday some of the year 5 children went to a football tournament at Pakefield high school and the girls came in 3rd place but we all enjoyed it.

Those of as who didn’t get to go to the tournament took part in a golf taster session. We were put in five teams and took it in turns to have two shots at a time. Finlay and Rhys were really good at it but we all had fun.

This week we began our new topic about the Mayans, we have all ready learnt that they built temples in the rainforest.

Tomorrow morning we are going to Pakefield church for our end of term Easter service.