by Charlie and Sienna


Yesterday year 5 had a visit  from the bug man with his rainforest show.He began by showing us his stick insects, he placed one of them on Eden and it climbed onto her head! He also had with him a tarantula which he let people hold, most people were really brave and didn’t run out of the room.


Everyone loved Tripod the chameleon, especially when he fed her a little bug and we got to see her tongue shoot out to get it!

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The tiny tree frog was really cute, we got  to see it climb up the classroom wall.


Mr Green the iguana was huge, but we couldn’t hold him as his claws were very sharp.


Lots of people got to hold the snake and we were surprised that they didn’t feel slimy!


One of the last things he showed us was a scorpion, which he handled very carefully. We got to see how they glow up under a UV light but nobody knows why they do this.